Saturday, August 29, 2009

Faith Mimnaugh

Some readers maybe wondering why I always rip Faith Mimnaugh. In case you missed it, I have included links to three stories that I wrote about Faith and her terrible record at CP.

Faith and her terrible 12 year record at Cal Poly.

Faith and her ACC schedule during the 08-09 season.

This story includes links to newspapers stories where Faith is making excuses for her sorry record and begging for a contract extension.

So now let me explain to you, why CP keeping Faith just bothers me on so many levels.

The competitive level: How can any program keep a coach around after that coach can't produce ONE winning season after eleven years? A coach should be given at most five years to turn things. If after five years, aren't getting better, a coach should be fired!!! Very, very few exceptions.

To make matters worse, all this happening in a very bad Big West. Where during the last EIGHT straight years, there have been at least TWO Big West teams that have lost 20 games or more. In 7 of those years, there were three or more teams that lost 20 or more games. So even with that Faith can only produce ONE winning season in 12 years?

I already wrote about how much of a fraud her 08-09 record is since she only beat one non conference team, Bakersfield, who had a winning record and she was only 1-4 vs the top 2 BW teams, UCSB and UCR. Even then, she only beat UCR by 2 points on a last second basket. So it was in the BWT semi final game. So what, she lost the next day to UCSB. She lost to #6 seed CSF. She only beat the bottom feeders of the BW, by an average of 8 points, while UCR and UCSB beat the bottom feeders by 12 or more points.

She lost two of her best players to graduation. I highly doubt the 09-10 team will come anywhere close to the 21 wins of last year.

Excuses, excuses, and more excuses: Everything from Faith have been about excuses. if it wasn't injuries, then it was the high academics of CP. I mean come on. Just admit you suck as a coach Faith. I mean every coach suffers injuries. Every coach has their own issues with their university. UCR built a solid program and they have tougher academics and are in the middle of nowhere. CP is in one of the most scenic places on the West Coast.

No self respecting coach who is worth a damn, would think not having a winning record, especially in such a sorry conference, is acceptable.

Denise Curry ruined the program at Cal State Fullerton by going 16-64 overall and 10-35 in the BW. But instead of making excuses and begging for an extension, Curry resigned because she knew she was a clueless head coach. So stop making so many damn excuses Faith and schedule something other than cupcakes, win against that schedule, hell just win baby!!! Since you clearly have proven you can't do that, just resign, instead of begging for an extension.

Welcome back the Soviets:

CP has been so secreative about the contract extensions given to Faith. In this story about Faith, I provided a link to a CP press release from 2007 that Faith got a two year contract extension, that ended after the 08-09 season.

But much to my surprise, after the 08-09 season, it was mentioned that Faith had ANOTHER year left on her contract. A search of the CP's website did not show any press release about Faith receiving an extension. A call and email to the CP athletics media relations office, got nowhere. The guy said, I'm not at my computer, so I can't help you. I never got a reply to my email inquiring about Faith's contract situation. Clueless AD. Comrade Alison Cone never replies to my emails or the emails from CP fans who have written Clueless Comrade Cone about Faith's terrible record.

Why does CP keep almost everything about Faith top secret? Is Clueless Cone's real last name Khrushchev or Brezhnev? Maybe she is afraid of the backlash from CP fans? Here's a toast of vodka Comrade Cone.

Seriously though, CP is a state school that is funded by public tax money. There is no reason for CP to keep things like a contract extension secret. Hell, Faith's salary is public information. So why CP won't release any information about Faith getting a contract extension, is beyond me, especially since we sure as hell don't live in Soviet Russia.

The Race Card: I know people don't like to talk about race. That is why there is and will always be a race problem in the US. Faith is white. Clueless Allison Cone, the AD at CP, is white. CP is in a lily white area. They fired the last head coach, after two terrible seasons. The coach, Karen Booker, was black.

Why was CP so quick to fire Booker but put up with Faith for 11 straight losing seasons? If you don't think it has anything to do with the fact that Faith is white, please stick your head in the sand. While there are some examples of white coaches not getting a fair chance to turnaround a program, see Cal State Fullerton, Barbara Ehardt, nobody can say that Faith didn't get a fair chance to turn CP around. ELEVEN, 11!!!! long, losing seasons before being able to produce a winning record but CP still keeps a white head coach? Would a black head coach get the same chance? If you really believe that, then I have some land to sell you.

There is no way any black head coaches would have been able to survive 11 straight losing seasons. Almost all black head coaches will only get the length of their original contract to produce a winner. In 2003 a wave a black head coaches were fired, didn't get an extension etc. Traci Waites, a former player at Long Beach St. was one of those coaches. Waites went 53-85 (.384) overall record and 20-62 (.244) Big East mark during her five seasons. Ok it was the Big East, one of the best conferences. But anybody can see that type of record isn't good enough.

This is Faith's record in her first five seasons.

2001-02 11-17 7-9
2000-01 12-17 5-9
1999-00 9-19 5-10
98-99 8-18 2-13
97-98 6-20 3-12

Totals 46-91 22-53.

Just looking at the numbers, Waites had a better overall record and only won two less games in conference. Of course comparing the Big East, with UConn, Miami, Notre Dame, Rutgers to the BW is like comparing Phillips BBQ to a national chain that cooks their ribs in an oven and drowns it in BBQ sauce. So Waites record is much more impressive, considering the level of competition she played, compared to the Hostess schedule Faith always plays.

So tell me why Faith got six more years at CP but Waites was let go by Pitt? No, it has nothing to do with Faith being white and Waites being black, right?

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